The site administrator https://top10traders.com/ (the “Administrator”) provides an unlimited number of people with the right to use the services of the site https://top10traders.com/ under a simple non-exclusive license and in accordance with the provisions of this User Agreement, which is a public offer. TERMS USED IN THIS AGREEMENT 1.1. “Site” means an information resource located in the public information and telecommunication network “Internet” at the address with the domain name greatestbrokers.com, including both existing at the time of acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as sub-domains (sub-domains) of the specified second-level domain, and all computer programs related to the resource and ensuring its functioning. 1.2. “Administrator” means a legal entity which is the administrator of the second-level domain name https://top10traders.com/ 1.3. “User” means any person using the services and functionality of the Website. The User has the right to pass the registration procedure to get additional opportunities to use the functionality of the Site, such as commenting or writing reviews. 1.4. “Author” – the User who has passed the registration procedure, posting Reviews on the Website and giving the Administrator an exclusive license for the entire period of copyright validity without any restrictions in respect of written reviews for the Fee, the amount of which is determined by this Agreement. 1.5. “Review” – a work created by the Author’s creative work containing the opinion and reflection of the Author’s personal experience as a result of using a particular product or service. 1.6 “User Agreement” – this agreement, which is a public offer, concluded during registration on the Website between the User and the Administrator. MAIN PROVISIONS 2.1 The Administrator offers the User to use the Site on the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement. 2.2 The User Agreement comes into force from the moment of the beginning of the User’s use of any functionality provided by the Website and is valid for an indefinite period of time. 2.3 The User Agreement may be changed by the Administrator without any special notice to the Users at any time unilaterally. 2.4 The current version of this User Agreement is available on the Site at the permanent address https://greatestbrokers.com/terms-of-use 2.5 The new version of the User Agreement comes into force and is applied after its placement at the address specified in paragraph 2.4 of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided by the provisions of the new version. 2.6 The User is considered to have fully and unconditionally accepted the terms and conditions of the User Agreement in case of any of the above actions (specific actions): 2.6.1 Use of the Website or its individual functional elements by any means, including those provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.6.2 Passing through the Registration procedure or posting a revocation (comment) on the Website as a User. 2.7 Acceptance of the terms of the User Agreement is possible only in full, without any reservations and exceptions. 2.8. The User, who does not agree with the terms of the User Agreement, has no right to use the Site. 2.9. In case the User Agreement has been changed, with the acceptance of which the User does not agree, the User has no right to use the Site further, and undertakes to stop any further use of the Site. 2.10. This User Agreement and the relations between the Administrator and the User resulting from the use of the Website shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation. USER OBLIGATIONS 4.1 Comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the terms of the User Agreement. 4.2 Provide complete, sufficient and reliable information on the issues specified in the registration form. To keep the above information up to date. 4.3 Immediately inform the Administrator about unauthorized actions of third parties specified in clause 3.8 hereof. 4.4 Refrain from publishing information or other materials which: 4.4.1. defame honor, dignity or business reputation of other users or third parties; 4.4.2. contain calls to violence, propagandize discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social grounds; 4.4.3 Violates the intellectual property rights of Users or third parties; 4.4.4 In any other way violate the legislation of the Russian Federation or the norms of international law. 4.5 Refrain from placing links to resources in information and telecommunication networks containing information or materials specified in clause 4.4 of this Agreement. 4.6 Upon discovery of information or materials specified in clause 4.4 hereof, immediately notify the Administrator by sending a message to the https://top10traders.com/contact/ 4.7 Provide a response and necessary materials within 30 days to the Administrator’s request to verify the accuracy of the published information and compliance with the terms of this agreement by sending a message to https://top10traders.com/contact/ 4.8. rectify the respective violations within 30 days of receipt of the claim and notify the Administrator thereof by sending a notice on the website https://top10traders.com/contact/ INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 5.1 The User shall not be entitled to place any materials on the Site containing improperly used results of intellectual activity or means of individualization of third parties. 5.2 When publishing on the Site the results of intellectual activity, the owner of which is the User, including Reviews, he gives the Administrator an exclusive license to use them by means of reproduction (copying), processing (change, including by moderation), bringing to the attention of the public and using in other ways for the purposes of the Site for the entire period of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity without any territorial or other spatial restrictions. These rights are provided by the User free of charge. 5.3 The Administrator has the right to block, move and delete without warning: 5.3.1 Messages and other materials of the User containing information the distribution of which violates the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation; 5.3.2. notices and other materials of the User containing illegally used results of intellectual activity and means of individualization; 5.4 The Administrator shall provide the User with a simple non-exclusive license for the right to use the Website and works published by the Administrator on the Website by means of reproduction (copying) and bringing to public notice with obligatory indication of the source in the form of an active hyperlink. 5.5 The User shall not be entitled to decompile, disassemble, or in any way modify the code of the elements of the Website and/or services necessary for the functioning of the Website. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 6.1 The User uses the functionality of the Website at their own risk. All functionality is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranties. 6.2 The author guarantees that the Reviews are the product of the Author’s creative work and do not contain the results of intellectual activity of third parties. 6.3 The Administrator does not guarantee that the functionality of the Site will be carried out continuously, without delays, failures and all information provided will be displayed accurately. The safety of user information is not guaranteed. 6.4 The Administrator does not guarantee availability, accuracy or reliability of the information located on the Site or on the third-party resources, links to which are present on the Site. 6.5 Under no circumstances can the Administrator be responsible for the content and negative consequences of the use (including viewing, saving web pages) of third-party resources, links to which are present on the Site. 6.6 The Administrator shall not be liable to the User for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including loss of profit, lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation, caused in connection with the use of the Site, the content of the Site or other materials to which the User or other persons gained access through the Site. 6.7 The Administrator shall take all measures to observe the rights to the results of intellectual activity of third parties, however, since the Site allows for the availability of user-generated content, the prompt removal of information or materials that violate intellectual or other rights may be difficult. 6.8. Upon the request of the right holders of the intellectual property results or means of individualization, illegally placed or otherwise used on the Website, as well as on its own initiative in the presence of information about the violation of intellectual property rights, the Administrator shall immediately delete the materials placed by the Users that contain these objects of intellectual property rights. OTHER TERMS 7.1 The user has the right to do so: 7.1.1 Use the Site and materials within the scope of the powers granted by this Agreement. 7.1.2 Publish information and materials on the pages of the Site that do not contradict the terms of this Agreement and the laws of the Russian Federation. 7.2 The User is prohibited: 7.2.1 Interference in the work of the Website with the purpose of disrupting its normal operation. 7.2.2 Mass mailing of messages to other Users. 7.2.3 Place the information specified in clause 4.4 hereof on the pages of the Website. 7.2.4 To use the Site and the materials published on the Site, outside of the powers granted by this agreement or outside the scope of the functionality for which it is intended. 7.2.5 It is illegal to collect and process personal data of other Users. 7.2.6 Use the Reviews posted on the Site, including by publishing the Reviews on other sites in the information and telecommunication network “Internet”, provide third parties with the right to use the Reviews. PERSONAL DATA 8.1 The User agrees to the processing of personal data of the Administrator (and persons authorized by the Administrator), as well as personal data posted by the User in any part of the Website, including subdomains. 8.2 The User expresses its consent to processing of personal data for the purposes: 8.2.1 providing personal (targeted) advertising to the User. 8.2.2 Providing complete, accurate and reliable information about User Reviews. 8.2.3 ensuring the possibility of communication of Users and resolution of disputes between suppliers of goods/services and their consumers. 8.3 Processing of personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and in order to fulfill the obligations of the Administrator to the Users in respect of the use of the Website and its functionality. 8.4 By publishing information containing the User’s personal data in any section of the Site, the User agrees to its processing in all ways provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including, but not limited to such methods as collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data) of the Administrator, and also understands that the specified the formation can be further distributed by other Users, search engines, automatic data collection systems and other services, regardless of the will of the Administrator. 8.5 The Administrator has the right to request from the User the data on his surname, name and patronymic, as well as on the place of work solely for the purpose of establishing the identity of the User and verifying the authenticity of the submitted information. 8.6 The Administrator shall take all possible measures to protect the User’s personal data from unauthorised access by third parties. CONSENT TO RECEIVE PROMOTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 The User agrees to receive advertising messages by e-mail to the e-mail address specified by the User during registration. 9.2 The User has the right to refuse to receive advertising messages by means of electronic messages. FINAL PROVISIONS 10.1 Recognition by the court of a separate part of this Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement. 10.2 Disputes between the parties shall be settled in the claim procedure. 10.3 The term of response to the Party’s claim may not exceed 30 business days. If no response is received within 30 business days from the first business day following the date of submission of the claim according to Moscow time, the claim procedure shall be deemed to be complied with. 10.4 In case of impossibility to resolve the dispute in the claim procedure, the dispute shall be considered in court at the location of the Administrator.